Preparing for exams

  1. During class, emphasize the importance and underline about one-third of the entire book with a blue pen.
  2. Review the parts underlined with a blue pen.
  3. Underline with a red pen and study about one-third of the parts underlined with a blue pen that you think are important.
  4. Concentrate and memorize with a red pen.
  5. Ignore the parts that are not underlined and move on.
  6. By reducing the volume in this way, it’s possible to read 100-200 pages in 10 minutes.

For multiple-choice questions, use a workbook. Workbook selection typically consists of one regular workbook and one more difficult one. Choose the regular workbook for step 4, and solve step 2 for the difficult workbook.

Solving workbook problems:

  1. Do not write answers in the workbook.
  2. Write the problem number and answer in an empty notebook. Solve the regular workbook from start to finish.
  3. Self-grade your work. Actual studying happens during grading.

During subsequent reviews, only redo the incorrect problems rather than revisiting those answered correctly.

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